
Jane's Walk Saskatoon: May 1 to 3, 2015 - Meet Your City

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Thinking about Leading a Tour???

Helping others to “Meet Your City”

Jane’s Walk is a series of free neighbourhood walking tours that helps put people in touch with their environment and with each other, by bridging social and geographic gaps and creating a space for cities to discover themselves.  Since its inception in 2007, Jane’s Walk has happened in cities across North America, and is growing internationally.
Jane’s Walk honours the legacy and ideas of urban activist and writer Jane Jacobs, who championed the interests of local residents and pedestrians over a car-centered approach to planning. Jane’s Walk helps knit people together into a strong and resourceful community, instilling belonging and encouraging civic involvement. All Jane’s Walk tours are given and taken for free.
Leading a Jane’s Walk is easy and fun!  There are very few qualifications to take it on, other than a willing energy and knowledge or curiosity about your city/neighbourhood/community.  You don’t need to be an expert!
Ask yourself a few questions

 Is there something about my community that I already have a keen interest in, or want to know more about?

Am I willing to organize an hour-long walk accompanied by others who have a genuine curiosity about things that go on around them?

Am I passionate about anything in my community? For example, have I observed health or social issues, architectural concepts, art, history and heritage, walkability or activity, transportation, cycling, environment or culture in my neighbourhood?

 Am I OK with chatting in a friendly fashion with a group of 10 – 15 strangers who are keen to hear what I think and know?  Am I interested in their ideas?

If you answered yes to anything above, you’ll make a great walk leader!  Over the next weeks:

·         Do a bit of research on the neighbourhood or concept that grabs you.  Keep a few notes to inform (as well as learn from) others.
     Think about concrete examples in an area of the city that will help visualize the idea you want to showcase.
 Prepare some ideas about the narration you’ll give as you direct people through that area, highlighting various aspects of your topic.
Map out your route, and rehearse a little to make sure you can finish close to where you started within about 1-1.25 hours, leaving plenty of time for questions and discussion as you go.
Think about a time slot on Saturday or Sunday May 2nd or 3rd. (For example, a high-traffic area might be better at a quieter time of day.)

How could it be any easier?  We’ll help you every step of the way:

Your walk will be publicized on our website, posters, Facebook and Twitter.
You can attend a friendly “getting started” coffee time at Amigos Cantina on 10th Street, on Sunday April 13th at 2 pm.

·         We’ll provide you with volunteers to assist you as you walk, making sure the stragglers are safe and you have the material you need.
·         If you’d like, we’ll arrange someone to snap some photos as you walk.
·         We’ll highlight a few of the walks on Thursday May 1 at 7 pm in the downtown library. We’re showing a film and talking about a few of Jane Jacobs’ ideas. (You can also stay afterwards, and enjoy a coffee and cookie with other Jane Jacobs’ fans, volunteers and walk leaders.)
·         We’ll give you a tee shirt to wear as a walk leader, and to take home as a souvenir.
·         We’ll treat leaders and volunteers to a BBQ thank-you!

In past years, Jane’s Walk has seen leaders walk about their neighbourhoods, sharing stories about who lived in particular homes or when the first houses were built.  We’ve had people tell us about public art.  We’ve had city planners tell us about their vision of the future, and we’ve had a health walk about various community organizations located in a neighbourhood.  Whatever your interest, a walk can be done!  Jane’s Walk is a great way to spend a weekend walking, talking, learning and sharing ideas about living together in our great communities.  

We hope you’ll become a walk leader and share your story. 

Jane Jacobs would be so pleased! 

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