Walk Title: Age - Friendly-How does Saskatoon measure up?
Walk Leader: Candace Skrapek
About This Walk
Age-friendly. Sounds pretty simple and desirable for anywhere, but does Saskatoon fit the label? Does our city have what it takes to make it good place to live for older adults? There are many elements to consider: civic participation, employment, respect and social inclusion, housing and perhaps the easiest to imagine and achieve: walkability. A walkable neighbourhood brings many benefits for older adults, including opportunities to visit with family, friends and neighbours, access to local stores and services, access to parks and outdoor spaces, and access to public transportation. Walking promotes physical exercise that is important to physical and mental health maintaining independence and improved quality of life. Candace Skrapek the co-chair of the Saskatoon Council on Aging Age-Friendly Initiative will lead a walk through just a few streets downtown and discuss "walkability" and other ideas about how our city measures up as age-friendly. This walk will be designed for a leisurely pace and will be "walkable" without barriers or mobility challenges.
Walk Leader: Candace Skrapek
The Saskatoon Council on Aging has done a major research project over the last three years to examine Saskatoon through the lens of the 8 dimensions of an age friendly city that the World Health Organization has identified. Over 500 Older Adults have told us about Saskatoon and what we can brag about and what we can improve. This walk will enable us to have a conversation about how an age friendly community can promote quality of life for all.
Taking Public Transit: Most city buses will take a route to downtown.
Parking Availability:Parking meters on all downtown streets or for 90 minutes on 5th Avenue
Walk Starts: In front of City Hall
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