
Jane's Walk Saskatoon: May 1 to 3, 2015 - Meet Your City

Friday, 27 March 2015

Photo Walk in Downtown Saskatoon - 2015

Walk Name: Photo walk in downtown Saskatoon
Walk Leader(s):  Branimir Gjetvaj                        

Description of Walk leader(s) and/or why you are leading this walk (optional):

Branimir Gjetvaj is an environmental photographer from Saskatoon. His passion is outdoor photography, and teaching people how to use their cameras beyond the Program mode

Duration: 1 hour

Walk Description

Explore the familiar scene of Saskatoon downtown core with fresh eyes, take a few pictures and exercise your creative side. Join a group of like-minded shutterbugs and find out if you could see (and photograph) what others missed. Although we will be walking on a paved surface, please bring shoes with adequate ankle support and non-slip soles. And remember to watch both ways before you cross a road.

Meeting Place: Gazebo at the Kiwanis Memorial Park south of Delta Bessborough Hotel

End LocationGazebo at the Kiwanis Memorial Park south of Delta Bessborough Hotel

We will walk along the river past the Friendship Park and spend some time photographing in the River Landing area. After that, we will head north along the 2nd Avenue S, turn east on 21st Street E and return to the starting point via Delta Bessborough Hotel.

Public Transit Directions: any bus that will take you downtown Saskatoon

*bus schedule information available at

Where is nearest parking?  Paid/free?: free parking on Sunday is available along Spadina Crescent E and 20th Street E

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